Smallville has finally revealed their Booster & Beetle and I for one... am disappointed. "Why?" Monty asks? Many of us feel Smallville has "Jumped the shark" of sorts and what's it matter that there is one more bad episode with cheap cameos? Well, first off Smallville is about to leave, and I was counting on the Blue/Gold team to be a high point. Something to cling to. Smallville has recently had some great "fanboy" moments... and I hoped this would be one more. I really don't want an episode of the Gold Power Ranger and a villain of the Mighty Morphin' type! Want to learn more,
click here. To see the ComicAlliance.com story.
The Justice Society episode/special was the last time I watched and enjoyed Smallville and it was due to all the fun little fanboy moments and nerd bait that Geoff Johns threw into his script. And I entirely expect those same sorts of things in this episode. And, really... these costumes look no more or less corny than the costumes that were used for the Justice Society. When I saw this photo, I just sort of nodded my head and went "Well... that's as expected." They're cheesy and cheap because Smallville is cheesy and cheap. And that's fine. I'd still like to tune in and see what the actors do with these characters and what treats the script will provide. It's Smallville, there's really not much they can do to disappoint me all too much at this point.
ReplyDeleteJane you ignorant slut... :) KIDDING! I agree with you, I really do. Yes, Smallville is what it is... But it isn't what it used to be. It de-evolved to almost a campy version of where it started. And yes, I love many of those fanboy moments. I was so "giddy" during the Legion Episode and the JSA episode. But this image of Blue Beetle looks so bad compared to the one released about 6 months ago with that test footage. I fear we are going to have a mighty morphin fight, and are there still rumor of a Beetle series after this... will this be what we get?
ReplyDeleteHey! Watch it you Lex Luthor look a like. Those look nothing like Power Ranger/Sentai costumes. If anything they look like Metal Heroes, Booster resembles Blue Swat and Beetle B-Fighter Kabuto. Also before you knock the fights in Power Rangers/Sentai look at some of the recent ones. Google "Gokaiger Great Legend War"
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you're defending Tracie or defending Power Rangers.
ReplyDeleteI promise you, I will never knock the Power Rangers, and they type of entertainment they brought... but mix their sort of fun, cartoonish action with Smallville's quasi-teen/20something Superhero melodrama... that sounds just... just... Fuck, That sounds brilliant. Ok I stand corrected.
Honestely, Booster looks pretty darn accurate, minus the shades and headset. He's really only missing the open-face mask.
ReplyDeleteThe suit itself is pretty much his '52' duds.
It is odd that Beetle looks clunkier here than in that test-footage.
So long as it's not white dude under there...
BUT... the article I went to eluded to it being Ted. Maybe this will be the precursor to Ted's death and usher in Jaime Reyes?
ReplyDeleteRead it again:
ReplyDeleteThe episode shows his origin story: A mysterious high-tech scarab turns him into a super-powered arsenal. Although Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are buddies in the comics, this story will initially show them at odds. "This is the first time the scarab comes on to Jaime, so it creates a bulkier, more dangerous armor," Johns says. "Ultimately he'll gain more control over the scarab and it will become more friendly looking."
You just LOVE... proving me wrong. You and Monty!
ReplyDeleteWell to be honest it does seem like proving you wrong is loads of fun...
ReplyDeleteAlso I was defending Power Rangers/Sentai, Tracie seems like she can handle herself. Honestly I don't know why more American comic fans don't follow Japanese superheroes. Rather fun take on the whole genre, every year they have a solo hero (Kamen Rider), a mixed gender team (Sentai) and an all female duo or team (Precure).
My friend Chris is a HUGE Sentai fan, specifically of Kamen Rider. I got out of it after the first generation of Power Rangers.
ReplyDeleteI, um... liked Amy Jo Johnson a lot.
Just some advice never call Kamen Rider a Sentai series around certain fans, they will go "internet crazy" on you. Kamen Rider and Sentai are both tokusatsu, a genre of Japanese entertainment that features special effects (tokusatsu means "special filming"). Godzilla and other Japanese monster/kaiju movies are also tokusatsu. Kamen Rider and Sentai are two distinct tokusatsu Superhero series from Toei, though they do crossover every now and again they are more or less separate. They are also long running with Kamen Rider being around 45 years and 1,000 episodes though with various breaks, currently it has been airing weekly since January 2000. While Sentai is 35 years old and has been airing weekly since February 1979, it started in 1975 but took a year off in 1978 where the Japanese Spider-Man was shown in it's place.
ReplyDeleteAlso nothing wrong with that, Kimberly was very sweet and by the end rather fleshed out as a character. Here's another piece of advice avoid saying you like Kimberly to certain creepy fans because otherwise they will link you to something called "Agony in Pink". It is horrible piece of fan-fic that is not only a collective shame for Power Ranger fans but for humanity as a whole.