Francis Manapul on Flash, Stuart Immonen on The New Avengers, Gary Frank on Superman: Secet Origins
Favorite Writers:
Gail Simone on Secret Six & Birds of Prey, Geoff Johns on Superman: Secret Origins & Green Lantern & Brightest Day, Judd Winick on Justice League Generation Lost & Power Girl.
Best New Ongoing: Flash
Even though Flash Rebirth was poor, Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul and now Scott Kolins have made the Scarlet Speedster a great read and is really drawing me into whats going to happen for Flashpoint!
Best Cross-over: Seige
Although I liked Blackest Night a lot, I really felt like Seige got the over interest formula correct. It was only four issues and they all contained important story and a huge payoff at the end. Blackest Night just had too many slow moments and some illogial turns. But I did love the ending a lot!
Best Mini Series: Superman Secret Origin
I have written waaay too much to re-hash this here, but Johns and Frank have made Superman History with me on this Series.
Best Trade: Superman: Earth One
This was a huge shock to me. I wasn't wanting to like this, and I ended up walking away with a huge smile after this read.
Best Comic that you aren't reading: R.E.B.E.L.S.
Everyone I know who reads comics... is NOT picking this book up. But I tell you, its DC's version of Marvel Cosmic. Its fun and political and teases at a much larger picture. It has a lot of what I liked during the original L.E.G.I.o.N.'89 series.
Biggest what the?: Bruce Wayne announces Batman Incorporated
Come on... Me and my 3 kids who all fit the superhero build would like to have a public announcement that we owe Batman, But none of us are Batman... no really, we aren't.
Best Comic Related Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
I was forced to read the books first, and I'm glad I did. They are different, but the spirit is the same in both. Fun and stupid youth. Fighting and music and love. This movie really captured the spirit of the books. I'm glad Tracie pushed me to read em.
Best Title: Action Comics, by Pete Woods & Paul Cornell
Who would have thought taking Superman out of a title would make it a better read? Lex has had an incredible adventure and they really make you feel like lex is a Leading Character. Some of my favorite moments of the year have take place in this book. Lex meeting Death! Priceless!
Most memorable moment: Sentry tears apart Ares in Seige, Magog commits suicide/is killed by Captain Atom in the Justice League: Generation Lost.
You want to show how powerful the Sentry is... Have him tear a god in half! BAM! Jaw dropped! Spaghetti Everywhere! In JL Gen Lost, I could hear Magog pleading with Max Lord... 'Not Like this! NOT LIKE THIS!!'
Best Comeback: The Characters from the Justice League International, In Justice League Generation Lost
WOW! Suspense! A Huge Mystery! You blow the "real" JLA out of the water. So many Deaths... and the villain is Max Lord?! This book is awesome! Time travel and character depth... We missed you JLI... welcome back to DCU proper. I hope we see more of you!
Comic Series I dropped: Green Arrow, Justice League America
This is difficult because both suck. JLA has been consistantly poor in art and story. Down right the worst book DC is putting out. But Green Arrow started a new title and it was still poor. Its a new title and nothing is happening. In fact in one issue, it was nothing but a re-hash of something that happened in a brightest Day book. That Johns for writing an issue of Green Arrow.
Most Dissapointing book: JMS on Superman
Superman had 2 years of incredible story telling. Johns and Rucka and Robinson weaved a great few years with new Krypton. And how do they follow it up? This really caught my eye, and started off fun. But it became cliche and represented nothing resembling Superman. Thank God, JMS's reign is over. Stop Walking Superman... come back.
Worst Moment: The death of Atom in Titans: Villains for Hire, Special #1.
Why, Why, why did they kill off such an interesting and fun character, just to have the "silver age version back"? Was Ray Palmer ever that cool? Not to my memory. We miss ya Ryan!
Best Action Figure: Superman from the World of New Krypton, Soldier Uniform.
See a few stories back.

You know I am actually looking forward to JLA. It has a very interesting line-up, I like it when established team books move away the predictable cast of characters. Plus they are fighting Eclipso soon who is one of my favorite villains, if only because of his appearance (I would prefer if it went back to Silver Age Bruce Gordon dynamic instead of the current former servant of God one.
ReplyDeleteOverall the biggest disappointment for me has to be Marvel in general. From their pricing to the lie that was the Heroic Age, Marvel has done nothing but disappoint since late June. This year isn't off to great start either, Alonso is the last person I want in-charge. Everything this guy is involve with becomes crap, from the X-Men and Deadpool to the MAX and Marvel Knight lines. Also people forget this but he was the editor on JMS's Spider-Man, so OMD and Osborn ****ing Gwen Stacy is on his head. Alonso is the one person at Marvel that understands superheroes less than Quesada.
Best comic of the year for me though has to be Girl Friends, if only because it was nice to see Mari and Akko enjoy their happiness. Doesn't come up that often but I love romance comics.
RE: Favorite Artist:
ReplyDeleteMy mom had frank menopause once...