Saturday, August 28, 2010

Issue 22: The Endless, Summers

Segment One:
Death comes to DC: One of The Endless meets Lex Luthor, good for the characters or bad? Will going Mainstream cost them hipster cool?
Segment Two:
"Because you DEMANDED IT!" We finally talk X-men. How's that Hopey, Vampy thing working out for ya?
Segment Three:
Back to School with the best Student/Superheroes!


  1. I did not realize you would cave so easily I should have made more demands!

    Anyway the current policy at DC seems to be that any DCU related characters besides John Constantine are to be brought back into the DCU and all appearances in Vertigo are to be halted. So nothing like the Preacher is going to be showing up in Action or anything, but Swamp Thing is a given to be honest I bet he is going pop in the upcoming Weird Worlds title. We can also effects of this such as Madame Xanadu being canceled and a new volume of Swamp Thing halted. Also you are correct about Destiny, he was one of DC's old horror hosts and even showed up in mainstream books like Superman. His last appearance was actually in the new the Brave and the Bold series right before JMS took over the title.

    As for the X-Men, it seems more daunting than it is. Compounded by the fact the editors on the books suck. Honestly right now it is rather easy to get caught up. Uncanny is basic story, just read that and you are fine. Legacy is about Rouge and the Academy X kids. New Mutants is about the 80's new Mutants. X-Factor is Peter David doing pseudo-noir with so many twists that M. Night Shyamalan would get a hard-on. Astonishing is Warren Ellis doing his thing, can't it explain any other way. (Plain) X-Men is ummm... yeah... As for the Wolverine and his children's titles and X-Force they are now their own family of books. As for a website go to:

    Also if I may suggest X-Men Forever 2 by Chris Claremont, it's great because it is crazy. I mean Sabertooth is an X-Man and he is slowly falling apart, right now he is blind and missing a hand. Rouge and Nightcrawler have exchanges powers, and their mother has recently joined the team. Also Nick Fury now lives with the X-Men after they all faked their death together. And finally the Morlocks are being turned into an army by an armored Black Panther to defend Genosha against either an evil Storm that now rules Wakanda or anti-mutant SHIELD which now produces Sentinels and is run by a cyborg cousin of Tony Stark. This just six issues in too.

    Finally, I am not your mother. Also I find this podcast not just watchable but very watchable. I am just an asshole.

  2. I read just about every X-book on the market but the only way you could get me to touch X-Men Forever is if Jubilee was a featured player. (as evidenced by the annual I broke down and purchased)

  3. To be fair I will admit a lot of Claremont's recent work hasn't been that good, but some of the blame can fairly be put on the editors of the X-books. I mean Fraction is a great writer but even he is suffering under them. That said XMF2 is a fun book and by fun I mean just that. There isn't that overwhelming sense of dread that fills modern comics, not even the current story which features the Marauders fighting the Starjammers. As for Jubilee showing up I wouldn't be that surprised, the line-up seems to be rather fluid and with Kitty looking to take a break I could see Ms. Lee taking her place.

    And a slightly personal question, do you buy all Jubilee appearances? I mean did you get the recent New Warriors series and the new X-Men one? And how do you feel about her becoming a vampire? I mean what is worse not to have your favorite character pop up or have them used as fodder for a cheap gimmick?

  4. I did, in fact, by the recent New Warriors revamp SPECIFICALLY because I had heard Jubilee was in it. And I bought the ENTIRE series.

    HOWEVER, I have been very hesitant to buy into X-Men Vs. Vampires because I fear what they will do with Jubilee as this victim of vampire bombing. Maaaaybe if it was just it's own series I would follow it, but with so many tie-ins and stuff I just felt better avoiding it and waiting to see if I heard any good word about it when the trades started rolling out. I did, however, read the first issue thanks to Robb and did not find it at all engaging.

    I'm worried about the gimmick aspect and where this vampirism will leave her. Is this all leading up to her eventual demise? Is she meant to be some sort of vampire hero now? A villain? Or will they find a way to cure her and she just winds up being depowered and forgotten agian?

    I'm afraid to get invested in the series and the story if it's only going to leave me disappointed over the character that was my gateway into superhero comics.

  5. I understand being hesitant with the whole thing, probably the right choice too seeing how the entire idea came directly from the head of the sales department. It would really be nice if they stopped using the non-core members of the X-Men as canon fodder for these stupid events. Especially because I am an Academy X fan, and I mean Academy X not that nihilistic crap it turned into post House of M.

    Well this may cheer you up, there has been some rumblings of a Generation X reunion coming down the line. Nothing solid but with Chamber expected to join X-Force, Generation Hope seemingly playing off a connection to Generation X, the revived mutants and Blink from X-Necrosha needing to addressed, and Chris Bachalo doing X-Men work again there are signs pointing to a reunion.

  6. This would be great, as long as it's not "The surviving members of Generation X have to reunite and team up to stop the mad schemes of VAMPIRE JUBILEEEEE."

    ...Unless it ends with the team (OOH WAIT--FRANKLIN RICHARDS!) curing her and everybody hugs and Chris Bachalo draws it.

  7. Didn't you hear Tracie? This winter Jubliee will be drawn by Jim Lee and written by a combo of Grant Morrison and JMS. Its a Huge event! You'll be first in line right?

  8. If you wanted to hurt me, you wouldn't have included Jim Lee as artist.
