Sunday, October 17, 2010

Routh to be considered as Synder's Superman

Zack revealed that Brandon WILL be considered for the role after he saw an online fan campaign to have the 31-year-old star reinstated. And you can count me as leaning in that dirction too. No matter my feeling overall about the previous Superman movie, I still stand by my feelings that I think Routh fit perfectly into what I want my Superman to Act/look like.


  1. I think really it all depends on what direction they are taking the movie and Clark Kent. For instance for Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Dean Cain was a great choice because of how they went about presenting their version of the character. Now I haven't seen Returns yet, in part because the Donner films were never my thing I enjoy The Adventures of Superman and Lois & Clark more, but if they really want to start over getting a new Superman will help or otherwise it could end up confusing people.

    I just hope they redesign the suit, the Returns one always looked off. Personally and I am in the minority here but I have no problem with costume designs getting revamped for the big screen so long as they world to the advantage of the film. It just comes down they different mediums and what works in one doesn't work in the other. Hopefully Synder at least learned that from Watchmen.

  2. I'm one that actually liked the Brandon Routh Superman Costume. I'd make the shield a bit larger, but I was happy with the "off" color scheme. But I think if Synder really wants this to be truly successful, Superman has to wipe the slate clean. New Actor. I really like Routh in the Role, but upon consideration, what worked for Batman Begins... they totally disconnected it from the Burton/Batman movies.

    I'm willing to be suprised... but to this day I stand by the fact that Superman needs to be a "no named actor". I've argued that about Captain America too. And NO, Chris Evan is not a NO NAME actor. I'm hopeful, and open minded. Chris just might suprise me, but i'm ready to say, 'i told ya so' if it fails.

  3. I would be all for Routh returning as Superman because he's pretty pitch-perfect but logistically it would make sense to want to distance themselves.

  4. Anyone else been following the latest rumors? While Snyder says he wants to do a story about a Superman who only recently tied on the cape, casting is rumored to be focusing on actors age 35-40. Dear god... I know what they are doing! They are going to try to finally make Superman Lives with Nic Cage! That or something else entirely.

  5. Oh God... I hope you're wrong!

    I have some faith in Synder. No matter your opinion on the Watchmen movie, I truly believe he was trying to do right by Alan Moore. And make a movie he'd approve of. (even though Moore hates everything, ever created, including his own creations) I really felt Zach tried to do right by the comic.

    And Synder made a great 300 adaptation. So he has it in him. Just make a great action movie... focus on making more "plane" level scenes from Superman Returns... Let Superman Fight an equal, not a businessman/evil scientist/realestate/street level villian.

    Lets have a Doomsday, Bizarro, Brianiac, Zod, or Darkseid level threat! And i want flashes of a DC Universe. Not huge cameos... but flashes of JLA talk or whatever. DC needs to catch up with Marvel... and Batman cant do it alone.

  6. The problem with Watchmen was that one you had to have read the comic to really get it and enjoy, it was the most expensive companion piece ever made. And two Snyder treated it like a superhero movie, from the action to the costume designs. This is a reason why I never much care for superhero movies since they lack ability to make suspense my disbelief. That aspect is becoming more important to the genre, the audience needs to be able to look to themselves and say "This seems possible" and the biggest way to get this feeling going is with the costumes. I mean compare how costumes in Iron Man and the Batman movies look to anything before them especially the X-Men and Spider-Man costumes.
