Tonight it all ends. I plan to write a “Post Game” review but for now, some thoughts. Our own Tracie has pointed out before on Twitter, that she gets chills each time she sees the LOST Finale promo on television, amplified by the background music from the Doors, “The End”. This is the end… In all cheeziness, in all sincerity, I’m totally going to miss this show. The ending is going to be a true event, but the ride was a relationship forged over 6 seasons, hundreds of episodes, and a cast that I felt like I knew better than any other show before.
First off, How I got into LOST? I caught 2 random episodes from the first season. I had seen the commercials of Charlie saying, “Where are we?” But I was sure this was going to be an expensive modern telling of Gilligan’s Island. It was about Walt and his father Michael, but it was so out of context, I never watched another episode that season. Until, The following Christmas, my wife saw LOST Season 1 DVDs on sale and over 3 nights, I caught up in time to catch up on Season 2. Since then I have only missed one episode. (Jacks tattoo episode from season three, which I have since watched) Otherwise, I have seen each episode in order and on the day it came out. No DVR, No VHS, No Hulu. It became that engulfing.
LOST was also special to me, because it was the first “geeky” thing that my wife truly enjoyed, that we could share. Most of the time, she would tolerate my nerd movies, television, and cartoons. Smallville was interesting to her, but she started to be annoyed by it, long before I was. LOST was the first time her and I had to do something together, that was a long term commitment. Her and I would talk after each episode, and speculate “What the hell was going on?” or “Who was going to die?” It really turned into “Our thing”. Tonight, we’ve been invited to 2 LOST parties, but we’ve had to decline both. We want to watch this one the way we’ve each one, together. (Shut up, I know its cheezy!)
Ok, lastly… Stop the LOST hate. I’m serious when I say this. LOST has been such a fun ride, when turn on it now that its ending? I think many feel entitled that their answer didn’t get fulfilled in the way they wanted, or maybe the strings aren’t as tied up as they’d like. I kind of understand. I look at it this way. There are somethings that I have to know and there are some things I’d like to know. I don’t think this was the writer’s design from the very beginning. In fact I know for fact it wasn’t The DVD commentary said Jack was suppose to die in Episode one, and Kate was going to be the focus originally. But the story evolved. It took a live of its own. And I don’t feel like the answers have been rushed or put in, just because they fit. With each piece that’s been revealed, the story has become richer and it makes me want to know more. In the beginning, the Lost writers did lay out some crumbs… If anything, we should commend the writers. for following their own crumbs left 6 seasons ago, because I feel the wait has paid off. The ride has been worth it. If tonight’s episode was just a dog licking himself for 3 hours, its still a success! This show has kept me riveted for 6 seasons, I’m still happy. What I’m saying people. Sit back, enjoy watching television history. This isn’t the Superbowl of Sci-Fi drama’s, no that comes once a year. This is the Haley’s comet of Sci-Fi Dramas… once in a lifetime.
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