Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tracie's Pull List - Week of April 25, 2012

11 Marvel books and 3 DC books, this week. One of which, I'm on the fence about. Admittedly, my upbringing is that of a Marvel Zombie, but for a good stretch there, I thought it was about an even split down the middle.
I don't know how much of that is due to a change in tastes or a change in quality or being freed from the shackles of continuity and the "need" to follow what's going on in the "universe."
It continues to provide some food for thought, as I continually examine my reading/buying habits.
So, let us resume my weekly examination, shall we?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Lobo Fan flick.
With news that DC is back on track to make a Lobo movie. What could go wrong? Green Lantern, Constantine, Superman Returns, and Jonah Hex, all did so well. Comic Alliance posted this fan flick. Not too bad. I admit, I liked this little homemade movie.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Nerdy Birthday Loot
They are hard to see, but recently I've begin to collect the $1.00, inch sized DC/Marvel mini figures from Walmart. I've sent too much money and have never gotten a Superman figure. Well my wife's luck got me a Superman and a Hal Jordan Green Lantern. (And yet again another Batman!)
I'm also a huge fan lately of the WB tv series, Supernatural. And my here she got me the Anime Series that I couldn't seem to find priced well enough anywhere. So pumped to watch this!!!
And lastly, and probably my favorite. DC Universe Legos. AHHH, these are awesome! I can't wait to build this!! My wife is the coolest!!! Thanks Hun!
The Best Origin Story for G.I.Joe.
Recently, Netflix added the Hub's series GI Joe Renegades to its library. Now being the comic/cartoon nerd that I am. I put it in my queue and forgot about it. Well, I've had a few late nights working and needed some background noise... and thought, eh I'll play this cartoon. Well, I didn't get any work done, because I'm to riveted by this show. Touted as a reboot, when in fact its a quasi Origin story for how the team comes together. This show rocks. It pays homage to the original cartoon while adding a ton of depth to its many characters. This show is incredible. Slowly, episode by episode we are introduced to a new Joe or a new Cobra villain. And its not super campy. I flew through the episodes in days. I do have one complaint. I love every character so far, with the exception of Storm Shadow. His story is good, but they have given him the most ridiculous costume. NO ninja should look like they are wearing a baggy pajamas mask. Other than that this show rocks!!
If you didn't know this show was great... Please check it out. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!
If you didn't know this show was great... Please check it out. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
CBXF Asks...
With the New 52, Rob Liefeld got creative control of Hawk & Dove. I'm not an expert, but from my memory, I recall this book as quiet the laughing stock of the New 52. But DC saw the error of its ways and sales dictated that... Hawk and Dove get cancelled. So now I see in the coming months 3 titles now tied to Rob. One of which, a creation of former Image Comics collegue, "Grifter". (Didn't Jim and Rob butt heads at one time? That's not my question.) Along with Deathstroke and Hawkman, Rob has gained a lot of power at DC in this new 52. My question is: With Rob held in such regard, why... Why is he given so many titles? What's your opinion?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Tracie's Pull List - Week of April 11, 2012

I don't like scary movies--or rather, I don't like being scared/horrified--but I want to see Joss Whedon's Cabin in the Woods SOOOO BAAAAAAD, this weekend.
I'd see it opening night but Monty's improv troupe, The Weisenheimers, are doing a show and thus is the strength of my friendhip that I will be there instead. But Joss will still get my monies. Oh yes.
ALSO: If you happen to be in Omaha tonight and would like to see funny and/or terrible things peppered with song and dance, come to Skull Sketches: The Musical(?) at the Pizza Shoppe Collective at 8pm and you will get to see a new Team Liberal sketch co-written by CBXF's Monty and myself, as well as another performance of my character Bella!
Enough self-promoting, let's promote some things other folks have made:
Monday, April 9, 2012
Awesome Superman Animation
Awesome and uplifting little short movie featuring the Man of Steel by Los Angeles-based animator Mike Roberts. Stick through the credits!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Masters of the Multiverse?
DC Is making a new "He-man and the Masters of the Universe" 6 issue Comic mini-series. Written by "Starman's" James Robinson and Drawn by Phillip Tan, this promises to catch my attention if only to find out if Eternia is one of the "New" 52 universe. If you'd like to learn more. Check out this link.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Interior Art Pages of the Month
Now, I won't make this a habit... but I picked up all of the #1 Vertigo issues this month. Not knowing much at all about any of them. Well, beyond a doubt... Phil Jimenez has hit a Grand Slam with the interior art of this book. Incredible and detailed like a slightly more realistic version of Geroge Perez. The story is great, but by far the pages inside are just gorgeous. Check out this book!
March's Cover of the Month

So, I know this is the least favorite of my monthly articles to Tracie, but this Month I think I may have her backing. Jim Cheung has captured this story in movie poster form. Pure Comic Energy. Love this image. And Leinil Francis Yu has come incredible pencils on this issue!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Tracie's Pull List - Week of April

I'm trying out a Comics Shopper app on my Droid, which lets me download a shipping list each week and check off any books I plan to buy and it'll create a shopping list I can use to then check off the books I buy on Wednesday and keep track of any issues I'm missing. I've been doing that sort of thing manually for AGES, and have, in fact, been compiling THIS weekly post via the iFanboy checklist... but this app seems to take that and my word doc shopping list I use to keep track of issues I'm missing and combine them into one!
So, we'll see how well this works. So far so good! AND it lets me e-mail said shopping list to myself so that I can post THIS!
ALSO OF NOTE, this week, many comic shops are staying open late tonight to sell early copies of AvX #1, including Omaha's own Ground Zero Comics (both 50th St. and Bellevue locations) and Krypton. I don't think the stores are allowed to sell the books until after 8pm or so, but the stores that are participating will have either an Avengers or X-Men variant cover (or both) so you can pick what side you're on. Or buy both! OR NEITHER! LIKE ME! I'll be buying the regular 'ol Jim Cheung cover because I love Jim Cheung.
SO! Comics! The rest of them! Let's talk...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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