Amazing Spider-Man #684
RAMOS IS BACK! Spidey continues his battle with the Sinister Six and teams up with Black Widow and Silver Sable against The Sandman!
Avengers #25
Walt Simonson joins Brian Bendis as the Avengers and X-Men mix it up some more!
Avengers Vs X-Men #2
Jason Aaron writes the second round of AvX!
Batman #8
Snyder and Capullo keep pushing Batman further and further down the end of his rope and it's spectacular.
Birds Of Prey #8
The novelty might be starting to dwindle in a few places of the New 52 but BoP is a genuinely excellent read.
Defenders #5
Once again, comics, TAKE NOTE. The switch to single-issue stories just skyrocketed the quality of this already quite good series. Of course, the addition of Michael Lark on art had a bit to do with it too.
Incredible Hulk #7
Invincible Iron Man #515
Mandarin is one baaaad mother--(shut your mouth)
Irredeemable #36
So close to wrapping up! Yeeeeep!
Justice League #8
This will be very interesting, as Green Arrow has been one of my very favorite comic characters for many years but I haven't had ANY interest at all in his New 52 incarnation, heartbreaking as that is. The character's been struggling ever since Cry For Justice, though. I miss my Ollie but I'm curious to see how Geoff Johns and (Arkham Asylum character designer) Carlos D'Anda handle him, this issue.
New Mutants #41
New Mutants is returning to do another stand-alone issue before jumping into a big crossover with my beloved Journey Into Mystery! And Blink's back, along with artist David Lopez!
Punisher #10
Part 2 of The Omega Effect guest-starring Spider-Man and Daredevil! The Tracie's Favorite Comics crossover continues!
Supergirl #8
George Perez does guest art, this issue, along with colorist Paul Mounts for a story introducing Silver Banshee to the New 52.
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Volume 2 #6
Final issue of Nick Spencer's EXCELLENT reimagining of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents.
Thunderbolts #173
THUNDERBOLTS VERSUS THUNDERBOLTS CONTINUES! Having two Moonstones working together is a terrible/excellent idea!
Uncanny X-Force #24
X-Force versus AoA Iceman! Drawn by Phil Noto! Yes please!
Wolverine And The X-Men #9
BACHALO RETURNS!!! AvX tie-in! What side will Wolverine choose?
Wonder Woman #8
WONDER WOMAN WITH GUNS. Cliff Chiang, you make it so elegant.
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