I don't like scary movies--or rather, I don't like being scared/horrified--but I want to see Joss Whedon's Cabin in the Woods SOOOO BAAAAAAD, this weekend.
I'd see it opening night but Monty's improv troupe, The Weisenheimers, are doing a show and thus is the strength of my friendhip that I will be there instead. But Joss will still get my monies. Oh yes.
ALSO: If you happen to be in Omaha tonight and would like to see funny and/or terrible things peppered with song and dance, come to Skull Sketches: The Musical(?) at the Pizza Shoppe Collective at 8pm and you will get to see a new Team Liberal sketch co-written by CBXF's Monty and myself, as well as another performance of my character Bella!
Enough self-promoting, let's promote some things other folks have made:
Avengers Assemble #2
I thought the first issue was a little underwhelming. And it wasn't doing it any favors that it came out in a week that had the superior New Avengers. (which it does this week, as well) It was fine and all, but it just seemed to kind of pale to the work Bendis is already doing in Avengers and New Avengers. I'll stick with it all the way through, though, because I'm a fan.
Avenging Spider-Man #6
Part one of The Omega Effect! Because Marvel thought "Hey! What if we had 3 of Tracie's most favorite books all cross over with each other?" AND HERE THEY ARE! Mark Waid and Greg Rucka bring together Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Punisher in a contest to see just how awesome comics can be!
Batman And Robin #8
Man, what a powerful book! Tomasi and Gleason are a heck-of-a team.
Batwoman #8
I believe this is, unfortunately, Amy Reeder's final issue as artist. I don't know what lead her to depart from this title but it's a darn shame. She's so good and showed so much potential-- though I think the inker they paired her with last issue was very ill-suited to her work. I hope that she finds another project VERY VERY soon. DC or ANY publisher would be foolish to let this girl go by the wayside.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 #8
SURPRISE TWIST! Also... Andrew??!!
Fantastic Four #605
Starring the Fantastic Four of 3030! Guest art by Ron Garney! The first issue of Fantastic Four in nearly a decade not to feature Paul Mounts colors????
Glory #25
Really strong work from Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell! I like to pretend this is a Dark Knighty future Wonder Woman. (maybe Rob did too)
Green Lantern #8
I'm pretty deeply fascinated by the Indigo Tribe so finally getting some answers is pretty exciting to me. And it's so good to have Doug Mahkne back, even though he was only gone one issue.
Journey Into Mystery #636
Conclusion Of The Terrorism Myth! Kid Loki & Hellstrom versus Nightmare!
Mega Man #12
Conclusion of The Return of Doctor Wiley! Gosh I do dig this book. (BUT WHERE IS PROTOMAN????)
Mighty Thor #12.1
Stand-alone Point One issue! Thor's back! What's the deal with Donald Blake? Guest art by Barry Kitson!
New Avengers #24
AvX continues here with more Cyclops versus Captain America!
Saga #2
Secret Avengers #25
Oh gracious, two issues back-to-back?? Hardman and Breitweiser are killing it on this book. Also I love seeing Avengers characters going up against classic X-Men villains. Something a little different.
Superboy #8
Superboy versus Grunge!!! We're two Gen13 characters down, now. Let's get Freefall, Rainmaker, and Burnout in the mix!
Ultimate Comics X-Men #10
Not sure what's going on with Storm and Colossus here but WE'LL SEE...
Uncanny X-Men #10
Surprise Adam Kubert cover! Still kind of floored that Kieron is able to wrap up a story he started in his excellent S.W.O.R.D. series here in Uncanny X-Men. Good on ya!
Winter Soldier #4
IT'S SO PRETTY! And moody! And excellent.
Wolverine #304
I WANT THE GURIHIRU AVENGERS ART APPRECIATION VARIANT COVER SOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAD. UGH. But here we have Jason Aaron's last issue of Wolverine and I'll be quite sad to see him go, though glad that we should still have much "Wolverine and the X-Men" to look forward to. It's nice that we get a little send-off from a bunch of the artists Jason has worked with throughout his run. I'm interested to see what Cullen Bunn and Paul Pellettier bring to the book text. (We'll get a little glimpse of Paul right in this issue!)
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