This cartoon is the Best thing to happen to Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back. It is so good, it makes the Prequel Trilogy better. Its so good, you'll want to go to the Tashi Station and pick up some power converters. You'll make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. I promise, you'll not have a bad feeling about this. Clone Wars is the most in-depth exploration into Star Wars ever, and its done perfectly.

Let me get you up to speed. Clone Wars takes place between Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones & Episode III, The Revenge of the Sith. The cartoon tells the story of the last days of the Old Republic and the epic battles that made Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi legendary heroes during the great galactic Clone Wars. Besides Skywalker and Kenobi, there are many familiar faces in R2D2, C3PO, and Padme. But the thing that makes this special is the ability to tell the story of the background characters. This world contains the most diverse and well written characters ever in a Star Wars story. From Yoda to Mace Windu, Chancellor Palpatine to Count Dooku, Bounty Hunters and an army of Jedi that populate this continuing adventure. Speaking of Jedi, lets not forget the newest character with the deepest impact on Star Wars Lore, Anakin's Padawan, Asooka.
Asooka. A young female Jedi, who is as brash and heroic as Anakin, himself. She's been a great foil for Anakin, forcing him to be the level headed, by the book Jedi teacher. Anakin still breaks the rules, but he is the true hero of the story. It didn't take long for me to care about Asooka. And to add a twist this season, I've read that Asooka begins on a darker path, and creeps closer to what could be her final destiny. Now we know what happens in Episode III. Where Anakin is finally seduced by the Emperor and becomes Darth Vader. Vader then leads the Empire on a path that eliminates all the Jedi. Asooka isn't in ROTS, and so we have to assume that if this is in continuity, something has to happen to her. Will she die? Will this also help contribute to Anakin's fall from grace? I can't wait to find out. I just hope they don't do it too soon, I'd be happy watching this cartoon for a few more years.
MOST importantly, let me point out that Clone Wars is keeping The Star Wars bug alive and breeding new fans for the next generation. Conventions are filled with kids who know more about the Clone Wars than "A New Hope". I love this cartoon and its characters. I even loved the Jar Jar Binks episode told in the first season. Yes, even a Jar Jar story was fun and enjoyable. Cartoon Network has struck gold with this cartoon, and sometimes the "stink" of the new trilogy may scare people away. Please don't let it. If you love Star Wars, you'll love Clone Wars.