Friday, December 30, 2011
Robb's (Semi)Weekly Nerdy Journal
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Robb's Year-End Review 2011
So this was a crazy year for comics and all things nerdy. As a group, CBXF got new comics, went to a handful of conventions (even had our own booth at Contagion-Omaha), met some incredible creators, and watched the industry evolve. No one will deny the largest story was DC’s Reboot, but what else happened? Who died? Who came back? What movies rocked? What just stunk? 2011 was an incredible year. Besides the fact that JMS is a jerk, here’s what I took away from the first year of this new decade.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
So, that new Dark Knight Rises trailer...

Okay. So. This is a screengrab I made from the new Dark Knight Rises trailer. The "R" in the word "ROGUES"?
That has to be on purpose, right?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Superhero Breast Exam
I had to read it to believe it. But yes, its for a good cause. To read more...
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of December 14, 2011

It's the 12th Day of Christmas! People with drums doing drum things! So far I've been able to do 98% of my Christmas shopping online but I really better make sure I've got everything taken care of now that the big day is getting incredibly close.
Also, I need to find some way of spending Christmas in a household that has BBC America. Or just go door-to-door in my grandparent's neighborhood looking for Whovians. If I activate my sonic screwdriver, they'll be able sense it, right?
Good thing Monty has DVR and has forgotten how much he hates me over the DCUO thing. Good ol' handsome, forgiving, beloved Monty.
HEY there are comics out tomorrow! Let's talk about them.
Monday, December 12, 2011
New Trailer for GI Joe: Retaliation
Really? This looks very cool. Nice concept. And Cobra Commander seems a bit more true to character. I may just see this in the theatre.
OCW Obscure Character of the Week: DC's Waverider
Waverider is the first "new" character DC introduced to me. It was my first DC crossover, where the future is ruled by a mysterious hero gone rogue and taken over. Bouncing from hero to hero trying to learn who the real villain was. After teaming with the other heroes, Waverider then became a another member of the Linear Men. He may not be too obscure, but most don't recall this time traveler. To learn more about him, check out this link.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Robb's Nerdy Loot
![]() |
Once you go metal... (make your own joke) |
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Robb's Cover of the Month: December
This month favorite cover was much easier... because to be honest, there were a lot of "Ho-Hum" covers this month. But out of the books I purchased, these 2 stood out. (For Obvious Reasons) Avenging Spider-man if just cartoony Fun. Joe Mad doing what we love, dynamic top tier Marvel Characters in action poses. As for the runner up... It just a damn beautiful, non-Alex Ross Painted Thor. I loved this cover. I think this is also my first Non-DC month for favorite covers. Hmmm?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of December 7, 2011

I generally like to throw some other-media rambling into these post before I get into the comic releases for this week, but there's not a lot I can think to talk about, off the top of my head.
There's an Extended Cut of Cowboys & Aliens out this week. I know it didn't light box office results on fire and the critics and audiences were pretty ambivalent but Caleb and I liked it quite a lot. It's a fun, traditional western with a sci-fi bend and it's got James Bond, Indiana Jones, Justin Hammer, and the creepy kid from There Will Be Blood. (or, my preferred reference, the mute kid from Little Miss Sunshine)
Red Box it, or something. You might maybe enjoy yourself.
OH--and I imagine he'll be writing a post of his own on the subject but just to give y'alls a little teaser, Robb is a drug peddler for MMORPGs and Monty is going to hate us both. (or hate us MORE)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dr. G Steps up with: "El Esqueleto: The Skeleton"
Our very own DR. Geektarded has been busy. And its been worth the wait! "El Esqueleto: The Skeleton" Issue 1, is out...
And its been worth the wait. Check out his first web issues here. Nice Job Dr. G!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of November 30, 2011

Ah, man... Gotta love 5th weeks, right?
DC (and occasionally Marvel) used to schedule mini-series events to take place during 5th weeks, as they create a gap in the typical 4-week release schedule. My favorite example of which followed the Marvel vs. DC crossover event in 1996 when, towards the end of that epic clash (your miles may vary), the two universes were combined into an Amalgam Comics universe and Marvel and DC co-produced a line of all new #1 issues of merged characters like Legends of the Dark Claw, Super Soldier, and JLX. This all happened before the cynicism of old age began to put its claws into me and having all of Marvel and DC's comics replaced with these new combinations for a week was terribly exciting for me and I was all over it, convincing my little brother to buy all the titles that I couldn't afford with my allowance as well as attempting to collect the Amalgam trading cards while both they and my DC vs. Marvel sets remain incomplete.
Le sigh.
THIS fifth week, however, brings us absolutely nothing. This is a light-ass week by Tracie standards so lord knows if the rest of CBXF even have a single book they're waiting on, this week. I think Monty will be pleased to learn there's a new Skullkickers out on Wednesday but gosh, that might just be it for him.
Due to the rigid structuring of The New 52, DC really only has two books out this week and that's because they exist outside of that publishing plan. Marvel's got a bit more thanks to some books double-shipping this month and Dark Horse slides one in just because those Whedon books seem like they're always fighting to stay on schedule.
It's no matter for me, as I've got a stack of Jason Aaron Wolverine trades I need to tear into, as well as the chance to finally read Morrison & McKean's Arkham Asylum, but if you're looking to try something new this extremely light week, maybe I can help you out.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
OCW Obscure Character of the Week - Rip Roar

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of November 23, 2011

I don't really have any miscellany to rant/rave about this week unless I wanted to stress how ABSOLUTELY FLIPPING EXCITED I am for The Muppets opening this week. I plan to drag my family to see it with me on Thanksgiving. You should do likewise. Fill your soul after you fill your stomach.
Please do have a wonderful Thanksgiving or whatever you find yourself doing this week and let's take a look at my pre-holiday comics load:
Sunday, November 20, 2011
My Favorite Phone App for comics!
I've seen the ads, I tried the trial runs. And I'm here to tell you... This website/App is incredible.
What is it called?
I saw links to this program on DCComics, Newsarama, and So I did the trial run and next thing I know, I'm paying the 30 bucks and downloading the full version. But there is more. An App to read your entire collection on your phone and a separate app to turn your phone into a barcode scanner to input your collection.
I had a nice set up using Excel, but it didn't come with Photos of the cover, a list of characters in the book, prices, a picture of the back cover, and a place to rate the book and write personal notes. It took me about a year and a half to enter my collection into Excel, it took a month to put it in Collectorz. Ok, I've gushed enough about this program. If you'd like to learn more or try the trial version... check out this link. And here is another link about the scanner.
I highly recommend!
What is it called?
I saw links to this program on DCComics, Newsarama, and So I did the trial run and next thing I know, I'm paying the 30 bucks and downloading the full version. But there is more. An App to read your entire collection on your phone and a separate app to turn your phone into a barcode scanner to input your collection.
I had a nice set up using Excel, but it didn't come with Photos of the cover, a list of characters in the book, prices, a picture of the back cover, and a place to rate the book and write personal notes. It took me about a year and a half to enter my collection into Excel, it took a month to put it in Collectorz. Ok, I've gushed enough about this program. If you'd like to learn more or try the trial version... check out this link. And here is another link about the scanner.
I highly recommend!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Its time to get things started...
Call me cheezy... but I know others at CBXF will have my back on this... I'm so pumped for the Muppets! I have watched many teasers and trailers and seen a handful of Interviews. Listened to Jason Segal gush over his role in bringing this newest movie to the big screen. It really takes me back!
Now The Muppets take Manhattan, Christmas Carol, Muppets in Space, Muppet Treasure Island and so on, were all great. But I think I grew out of the Muppets pretty quick. I discovered GI Joe, He-man and Star Wars and puppets seemed juvenile. But here is the key. I liked watching the Muppet show with my dad. We saw the first two movies in the theatre together and that silliness was a staple of my relationship with my father. I never had that connection to the Muppets in recent years.
This new movie seems special. Not since the Great Muppet Caper or the Muppet Movie have I felt this connection and excitement to see goofy voiced puppets doing silly antics, having adult jokes, and throwing in huge Hollywood cameos. Maybe on my next visit to Kansas City, we can see the Kermit and company take on Hollywood again.
I can't wait!
Now The Muppets take Manhattan, Christmas Carol, Muppets in Space, Muppet Treasure Island and so on, were all great. But I think I grew out of the Muppets pretty quick. I discovered GI Joe, He-man and Star Wars and puppets seemed juvenile. But here is the key. I liked watching the Muppet show with my dad. We saw the first two movies in the theatre together and that silliness was a staple of my relationship with my father. I never had that connection to the Muppets in recent years.
This new movie seems special. Not since the Great Muppet Caper or the Muppet Movie have I felt this connection and excitement to see goofy voiced puppets doing silly antics, having adult jokes, and throwing in huge Hollywood cameos. Maybe on my next visit to Kansas City, we can see the Kermit and company take on Hollywood again.
I can't wait!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
DC Nation on Cartoon Network in 2012
You may have caught the promo for DC Nation during the Green Lantern premiere last week or all over the internets. If not, here:
This is a pretty exciting little thing because, not only does it feature and impressively varied array of DC Universe animated shorts, but it also ventures to put the comics out there a lot more publicly by featuring comic news and interviews with creators and the like. That's cool you guys.
And the shorts are already blowing me away. Aardman does a Creature Comforts-style Batman short? Doom Patrol gets animated, the Teen Titans return (in chibi form), some crazy dude puts a Batman sticker on his car, and--WAIT, WHAT? AMETHYST???

There is a freaking Amethyst short coming to DC Nation.
You can check out more at the animator's blog.
What I don't see a preview of is the Super Best Friends Forever shorts from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic creator Lauren Faust. (she's also co-creator of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, if that carries more weight with you)
I'm crazy excited for all of this. I love that they're willing to be weird and obscure with these. Well done, DC. Well done.
Now if only I felt like I could recommend more of their comics to the kids who'll be watching these.
This is a pretty exciting little thing because, not only does it feature and impressively varied array of DC Universe animated shorts, but it also ventures to put the comics out there a lot more publicly by featuring comic news and interviews with creators and the like. That's cool you guys.
And the shorts are already blowing me away. Aardman does a Creature Comforts-style Batman short? Doom Patrol gets animated, the Teen Titans return (in chibi form), some crazy dude puts a Batman sticker on his car, and--WAIT, WHAT? AMETHYST???
There is a freaking Amethyst short coming to DC Nation.
You can check out more at the animator's blog.
What I don't see a preview of is the Super Best Friends Forever shorts from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic creator Lauren Faust. (she's also co-creator of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, if that carries more weight with you)
I'm crazy excited for all of this. I love that they're willing to be weird and obscure with these. Well done, DC. Well done.
Now if only I felt like I could recommend more of their comics to the kids who'll be watching these.
Tracie's Pull List - Week of November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Robb's Grade Card for DC's Number 2s
I'm not going into as much depth... but since I got all the number 2... here is how they measured up. Don't worry... I won't be getting all the number 3s. Keep reading and see why.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
OCW - Obscure Character of the Week: Kelex
Introduced during John Byrne's run on the revamped Superman. Kelex was a floating, E.T. shaped, assistant robot on the planet Krypton. I have always loved this design! I fear we will no longer see the Fortress' keeper in this new continuity... but if you'd like to learn more about Kelex. Check out this link.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of November 9, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
OCW - Porcupine
This week's OCW idea was proposed by Comicbook Crossfire's friend, Shawn Drapal. He sent in this drawing... and I love it! I want to see more about this guy! Shawn this totally rocks! I want to see more!
November's Cover of the Month
Each month is hard to choose what cover stood out the most. But as for eye catching and incredible art that made me want to read a crappy comic, Men of War #2 is absolutely beautiful. There were many other great covers to mention: Captain Atom #2, Suicide Squad #2, DC Universe Presents #2, Avengers 18, Batwoman #2... BUT the runners up are a tie between Wolverine & the Xmen #1 & Frankenstein Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
OCW - Marvel's Dreaded Porcupine
This week's OCW is an idea from our buddy Shawn D! He had mentioned this guy a few times to me, but until he sent this link... I didn't realize just how truly crazy of an OCW he is. You have to check this guy out. To learn more about this pokey Marvel Villain, check out this link. And if you have any OCW ideas, please send emails to
I'll Post Shawn drawing of this OCW too. It looks great! Thanks, man!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
CBXF Fantasy Comic Book League - November Update
November update to the fantasy comic book league. Well Tracie is kicking ass, but the huge surprise is Sean. Reed Richards is keeping Sean in this game. Monty and Matt are holding their own, but Robb... If not for Doctor Doom and Superman... Robb is the Iowa State of the CBXF league. If you like to learn more about our Fantasy league, check out this link here.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of November 2, 2011

I had myself a little double-feature of watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men: First Class back-to-back. I haven't seen Wolverine since it was in theatres and I think I managed to enjoy it a little more having spent time away from it. (and having such a wonderful pallet cleanser in First Class) It's still problematic and a waste of time and talent but Jackman always manages to shine and there are still some nice touches in there. However, I saw the "Wolverine in Japan" alternate ending for the first time and I laughed out loud. Like, quite a bit. And then I had The Eagles stuck in my head.
I forgot that I liked Dominic Monaghan's little role in the film but I still wish we'd have seen him play Beak like he was supposed to. And watching it back-to-back with First Class just makes the Emma Frost thing too bewildering. And not just because I watched them in the wrong chronological order. (because at least this way she got older instead of younger... but then the reverse happens to Charles)
But hey, fun!
Mostly I just want to watch my Jurassic Park blu-ray forever.
But right now, we are talking comics:
Sunday, October 30, 2011
OCW - Merv Pumpkinhead from the Dreaming
In honor of the being Halloween week, the OCW is Merv Pumpkinhead from the world of Sandman's Dreaming. Basically a janitor in the world of Dreams who is a jerk! I loved any story that contained this OCW. If you'd like to learn more, check out this link.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of October 26, 2011

Captain America is on blu-ray today!
But more importantly: JURASSIC PARK ULTIMATE TRILOGY!!!!
(your mileage may vary)
FUNNY ENOUGH, your/our least favorite Jurassic Park film was directed by Captain America's Joe Johnston. So happy day for you, Joe! I'm going to watch the heck out of your great Cap and Spielberg's great Park films. And then JP3 for Sam Neil and William H. Macy, I guess.
The Cap blu-ray should have more Avengers preview material but if they REALLY want to impress me, they'll have hidden a preview of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing.
Monday, October 24, 2011
OCW - Obscure Character this week is...
Creepy and a mutant? X-men's Beak leads the way as bizarre as any character from Grant Morrison's run on X-men. (Which makes me wonder and raises the question, since Tracie has soften her opinion on Morrison, will she read his run on X-men?) Anyway would you like to learn more? Check out this site.
Dr. Who as Muppets! Awesome!
Comic Alliance had this post today... love it! Check out the site here.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Editorial Issues I'm starting to have with the NEW 52
I think enough time has gone by and I've read all the new 52 and have a fair idea of what DC is calling their new universe. I couldn't really put a finger on what was wrong with this reboot. Yes we all have nit-picking things. But I couldn't figure out a way to put into words my biggest problem with this "relaunch". But I just saw an ad for the Omnibus Collection of Geoff Johns' run on Hawkman. And I thought about all the hard work and great story telling that went into his issues... and it clicked with me. DC is doing to the DC Universe what they did to Hawkman. In short... really F' it up.
Now I'm not going to go through all of Hawkman's history. I don't have the patience or time to document each incarnation. Here is a wiki link that show some of it. It lists some of the history revisions, but I doubt you could argue that any character has had as many corrections and changes as Ol'Hawkie. So whats the issue? Find me one person who knows what the hell is going on with Hawkman. I don't mean just now. I mean ever. Is he the Alien from Thanagar? The archeologist? The hawk God? The Wind Element? The Son of another Hawk person? I have no clue. Which in small doses seems fine. If this was one many reboots... sure. But its not. This is who Hawkman has been since the 1985 Crisis. The man is all over the place. Geoff Johns did the best condensing and fixing ever on Hawkman. And I'd highly recommend this Omnibus. But even Johns messed things up for Hawkman in Brightest Day, by resurrecting them... turning them into Air elements, and then killing Hawk woman. (Don't get me started on Hawkwoman) Then to re-re introduce Hawkman in the NEW 52. Confused? ME TOO.
Ok, DC is in fact doing this to everyone of its characters with this latest reboot. When I feel like it should have wiped the slate clean. Why, WHY WHY... keep a few things and not others? Why fix characters like Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Oracle, and Supergirl... when there was nothing wrong with them? Yet keep something like Batman Inc? Superman died and but there was never a Justice League International, All the Batman Inc off shoot characters like Bat-wing and Australia Dingo-batman get financial support from Bruce... BUT BARBARA can't afford rent? I feel like we have 3-4 different Supermans. One in Action... is amateur and cool and unsure and new, One in Superman that is cold and brooding and quiet, one in Justice League that is fun and zippy and a bit of a bragging showoff, and finally the compassionate one in Supergirl. Which one is right? I understand they may be different timelines... BUT COME ON. This was a unified launch and a change to sync continuity... and you blew it!
Ok, some books, (even the ones that didn't need to be re-introduced) were great. Some stunk. Some are ok. But I'm missing the point of the relaunch... other than to make a quick buck and confused the hell out of all your readers. Really, can you argue that this new universe is somehow less confusing. Cause, its WAY more confusing. I'm annoyed DC. I'll lay odds on a re-reboot within the next 5 years. Where we can get the next version of Hawkman.
Now I'm not going to go through all of Hawkman's history. I don't have the patience or time to document each incarnation. Here is a wiki link that show some of it. It lists some of the history revisions, but I doubt you could argue that any character has had as many corrections and changes as Ol'Hawkie. So whats the issue? Find me one person who knows what the hell is going on with Hawkman. I don't mean just now. I mean ever. Is he the Alien from Thanagar? The archeologist? The hawk God? The Wind Element? The Son of another Hawk person? I have no clue. Which in small doses seems fine. If this was one many reboots... sure. But its not. This is who Hawkman has been since the 1985 Crisis. The man is all over the place. Geoff Johns did the best condensing and fixing ever on Hawkman. And I'd highly recommend this Omnibus. But even Johns messed things up for Hawkman in Brightest Day, by resurrecting them... turning them into Air elements, and then killing Hawk woman. (Don't get me started on Hawkwoman) Then to re-re introduce Hawkman in the NEW 52. Confused? ME TOO.
Ok, DC is in fact doing this to everyone of its characters with this latest reboot. When I feel like it should have wiped the slate clean. Why, WHY WHY... keep a few things and not others? Why fix characters like Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Oracle, and Supergirl... when there was nothing wrong with them? Yet keep something like Batman Inc? Superman died and but there was never a Justice League International, All the Batman Inc off shoot characters like Bat-wing and Australia Dingo-batman get financial support from Bruce... BUT BARBARA can't afford rent? I feel like we have 3-4 different Supermans. One in Action... is amateur and cool and unsure and new, One in Superman that is cold and brooding and quiet, one in Justice League that is fun and zippy and a bit of a bragging showoff, and finally the compassionate one in Supergirl. Which one is right? I understand they may be different timelines... BUT COME ON. This was a unified launch and a change to sync continuity... and you blew it!
Ok, some books, (even the ones that didn't need to be re-introduced) were great. Some stunk. Some are ok. But I'm missing the point of the relaunch... other than to make a quick buck and confused the hell out of all your readers. Really, can you argue that this new universe is somehow less confusing. Cause, its WAY more confusing. I'm annoyed DC. I'll lay odds on a re-reboot within the next 5 years. Where we can get the next version of Hawkman.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of October 19, 2011

The Batman: Year One animated film drops today and I plan to scoot to Best Buy over lunch to get my exclusion Catwoman figurine. It doesn't look like it comes with a stripper pole accessory/playset. I can probably just use the pens at my desk.
Batman: Year One is my favorite Batman so I'm very excited for this. And also to hear Heisenberg play Commissioner Gordon.
Also, for those curious, the Green Lantern: Extended Edition is, in fact, an improvement on the theatrical version. Though Robb and I may be of differing opinions on how much of an improvement, it makes for a great blu-ray and has some wonderful special features, including a couple deleted scenes that would've actually gone a long way to correcting the problems I had with the film. Tsk, tsk, editors/producers/whoever.
Next week, the Captain America blu-ray!!!
And now-- COMICS!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
This is a comics blog so it's entirely possible adorable babies aren't your thing. Perhaps you prefer babies who have been infected by a techno-organic virus and are then sent into the future to be raised by nuns, only to grow up and travel back into the past to fight alongside the father who gave you up but who secretly got to raise you during his honeymoon with the woman whose clone was your birth mother.
Or maybe you just like when they explode. Right, Demon Knights fans?
Well, if you care to have a look at non-techno, non-explodey babies, BATMAN/SWAMP THING/AMERICAN VAMPIRE writer Scott Snyder tweeted this video of he and his sons dancing to the opening of "The Batman."
Alright, it's no Avengers trailer, but it's nice to see comic creators spreading the love with their family.
Or maybe you just like when they explode. Right, Demon Knights fans?
Well, if you care to have a look at non-techno, non-explodey babies, BATMAN/SWAMP THING/AMERICAN VAMPIRE writer Scott Snyder tweeted this video of he and his sons dancing to the opening of "The Batman."
Alright, it's no Avengers trailer, but it's nice to see comic creators spreading the love with their family.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of October 12, 2011

Okay. I'll be alright. It's going to be fine. Tomorrow I have more MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN to soothe my soul and the Whedons even have a couple books on the shelf so let's get into that before I go into convulsions...
Scorch is the OCW this week. The Martian Manhunter's girlfriend for a short time. Ever dated a woman that was truly your Kryptonite? No comment? Well if you'd like to learn more about Scorch, check her out here.
Cover of the Month - September
This month has been the hardest month ever. Each book had top talent putting out awesome covers! But Wonder Woman's cover took the cake! She is a bad ass and arrows can't phase her! And Mahnke's GL Corps cover is damn near perfect!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Robb's Grade Card for the New DC 52
As many of you know, I am a huge DC fan. When the relaunch - reboot was announced. I was very hesitant, but open minded. I decided to read each number one and give an open and honest grade for their new introduction to me and the comic reading community. After the jump check out my letter grade for each of the 52.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friendly Fire _ Audio Podcast - Episode 17
Restaurant flavored Comic Talk. Tracie, Sean, Monty, and Robb discuss some DC 52, but mainly X-men Schism and Fear Itself!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Russell Crowe as Jor-El... Not Bad!
When I learned that Russell Crowe was going to play the part of Superman's father, Jor-El, I was impressed. I thought this was an excellent move. Now seeing him in costume... I'm positive. I love this. This looks great. I'm getting there... I need this Superman movie to SHUT MONTY UP! I mean... I'd love a good Superman movie.
Learn more.
Learn more.
CBXF Comic Book Fantasy League
Ok, Marvel seems to be coming out more than once a month... We have 2 FF books, 2 Avengers, 2 New Avengers, and 2 X-men books. But only the one DC book. Check out the results so far, as Tracie kicks ass.
To learn more about the fantasy league, check out the rules here.
To learn more about the fantasy league, check out the rules here.
Tracie's Pull List - Week of October 5, 2011
I'd say this was a suspiciously small week for me, especially for the first Wednesday of the month, but there are two trades out that I'd love to get my hands on so that more than makes up for it.
The Hooded Woman...
She was spotted at the Comic Book Crossfire studios. Who is she? Who is DC's mysterious woman? Check out this link: HERE.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Its OCW time... And I'm a week behind. So what? Here's the Tinkerer! He's cool, check him out here.
DCnU: It Still Kind of Worked Maybe
Back in June, I wrote a story wherein I broke down and analyzed just how much DC's New 52 initiative actually "worked" on me, as a consumer.
Pre-New 52 I was buying 17 DC monthlies, not counting minis or imprint books under Johnny DC and Vertigo. I determined that, of the New 52, 21 of those titles would be making the cut for me. That actually ended up being 25. As the previews started rolling in and I was able to get a better grasp on some of these new titles, I swapped some I became disinterested in for others that suddenly grabbed my attention.
So all-in-all, I tried out 25 of the New 52. I'll bump that number to 26 if I can get my hands on a copy of Demon Knights which I suddenly find intriguing after listening to Monty and other reviews. 27, if you want to count this copy of Superman I borrowed from Robb, though I'm only reading it out of morbid curiosity and expect the worst.
But, having actually read these 25, I'm dropping 3 of them. Which, all-and-all isn't that dramatic. (though the reasons for dropping them might be)
That puts me at 22, which is a 5 book gain for me from what I was previously reading. (as though you couldn't do the math yourself)
Not a HUGE gain, but a gain. Softened, though, when you consider that I'm already predisposed to buying and reading a LOT of comics. (and 4 of those 5 are essentially Vertigo books turned PG-13) I'm not who this initiative is for and I've been very judgemental about it and just because these 22 books will be getting a 2nd issue pass from me doesn't mean they'll all make it to the 3rd. I'm still looking at these books with an extra critical eye and that's probably only amplified now that I actually know just what my problems are with these New 52 books. You wanna make this much noise about your comics, you put yourself under the microscope. That's just how it goes.
I'll likely revisit this subject a month from now and see just where I am again after New 52 Month 2.
I'm very interested to hear other people's perspectives on this very thing and that's hopefully something I'll be able to bring up and gauge when we have our premiere Comic Book Summit next week.
Pre-New 52 I was buying 17 DC monthlies, not counting minis or imprint books under Johnny DC and Vertigo. I determined that, of the New 52, 21 of those titles would be making the cut for me. That actually ended up being 25. As the previews started rolling in and I was able to get a better grasp on some of these new titles, I swapped some I became disinterested in for others that suddenly grabbed my attention.
So all-in-all, I tried out 25 of the New 52. I'll bump that number to 26 if I can get my hands on a copy of Demon Knights which I suddenly find intriguing after listening to Monty and other reviews. 27, if you want to count this copy of Superman I borrowed from Robb, though I'm only reading it out of morbid curiosity and expect the worst.
But, having actually read these 25, I'm dropping 3 of them. Which, all-and-all isn't that dramatic. (though the reasons for dropping them might be)
That puts me at 22, which is a 5 book gain for me from what I was previously reading. (as though you couldn't do the math yourself)
Not a HUGE gain, but a gain. Softened, though, when you consider that I'm already predisposed to buying and reading a LOT of comics. (and 4 of those 5 are essentially Vertigo books turned PG-13) I'm not who this initiative is for and I've been very judgemental about it and just because these 22 books will be getting a 2nd issue pass from me doesn't mean they'll all make it to the 3rd. I'm still looking at these books with an extra critical eye and that's probably only amplified now that I actually know just what my problems are with these New 52 books. You wanna make this much noise about your comics, you put yourself under the microscope. That's just how it goes.
I'll likely revisit this subject a month from now and see just where I am again after New 52 Month 2.
I'm very interested to hear other people's perspectives on this very thing and that's hopefully something I'll be able to bring up and gauge when we have our premiere Comic Book Summit next week.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tracie's Pull List - Week of September 28, 2011
We're in the final week of The New 52. There have been successes and disappointments.
Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman each have at least ONE really good book to their name and sadly, that has not always been the case.
I'm likely skipping on Superman, this week, as I have little interest in Perez and Merino guiding the book. If I hear that it's outstanding, I could change my mind, but I'm pretty darn happy with Action Comics so there's no reason to get greedy.
Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman each have at least ONE really good book to their name and sadly, that has not always been the case.
I'm likely skipping on Superman, this week, as I have little interest in Perez and Merino guiding the book. If I hear that it's outstanding, I could change my mind, but I'm pretty darn happy with Action Comics so there's no reason to get greedy.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
OCW - September week 3: Marvel's Whitemane
So... Its a Horse in the Marvel 616. What more can I say?! Check him out at this link!
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