Captain America is on blu-ray today!
But more importantly: JURASSIC PARK ULTIMATE TRILOGY!!!!
(your mileage may vary)
FUNNY ENOUGH, your/our least favorite Jurassic Park film was directed by Captain America's Joe Johnston. So happy day for you, Joe! I'm going to watch the heck out of your great Cap and Spielberg's great Park films. And then JP3 for Sam Neil and William H. Macy, I guess.
The Cap blu-ray should have more Avengers preview material but if they REALLY want to impress me, they'll have hidden a preview of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing.
CONCLUSION OF SPIDER-ISLAND! What a fun little "micro-event" this has been for Spidey-fans new and old. Insomuch as it touches on little things from Spidey lore but I didn't feel too left out, even though I forgot all about who The Queen was, even though I was reading Spectacular Spider-Man at the time.
Gage and Isaacs are NAILING this. And Whedonverse books are hard to nail. But they've got the voices and humor down and it's compelling without feeling like an imitation of the shows.
Love it or hate it, Johns and Reis are certainly trying to make their mark on the character and I hope there are plenty more examples of how not-a-joke Aquaman can be. And, for the record, I fell on the "love it" side.
Incoming Generation Hope writer, James Asmus, does a one-shot tale of the White Queen with art by Art Adams-inspired Nick Bradshaw with a cover by Actual Art Adams.
You guys, Brubaker/Andreyko/Samnee's Cap & Bucky is kind of perfection. I don't know how Chris Samnee keeps landing on these series that seem to gel so magically.
Mark Waid! Marcos Martin! I'm sorry, we were talking about perfection? Yeah. Like this.
FF #11
Lots of threads coming to a close here, building up to the big anniversary issues.
Pretty, pretty great.
I run hot and cold with The Hulk but Jason Aaron's been kicking so much ass with fresh, offbeat takes on Marvel staples, I can't wait to see what his Hulk is like. Also Marc Silvestri in another random Marvel gig.
Teen Loki is the best and Kieron Gillen deserves all the high fives.
Curious stuff! I'll follow this for a bit more.
Oh lonely little straggling Fear Itself tie-in. And we say goodbye to David LaFuente. Bye David. :(
I would have been perfectly happy if this book could've continued as "Warren Ellis does one-shot tales with today's best artists" but somebody did a good job in hiring the upcoming replacement team. But before we get to that, here's what should be an amazing Shang-Chi story drawn by David Aja.
Spider-Island is over, we get ongoing series now, yes please??
I repeat: Spider-Island is over, we get ongoing series now, yes please?? And Anya keeps her powers?
Fun, if unexpected, first issue. This is another "see where it goes" series. Of which The New 52 has several.
NOT a "see where it goes" series but a "OH WOW, LOOK AT IT GO" series. Manapul knocked it out of the park with his turn as co-writer and artist with some really fun, inventive storytelling that shows one of the better examples of what good can happen when you writer is also your artist. Which is nice to see in the wake of some examples of the BAD that can happen.
Yet another "see where it goes" series. I like the foundation they're building here but my interest hinges on Gail Simone's involvement. If she steps out, I'm gone.
That other Thor book. And after avoiding Fear Itself entirely, we are now presented with a Fear Itself prequel story drawn by Pascual Ferry. That'll do.
Jonathan Hickman! Essad Ribic! Dean White! That is all.
OH HECK TO THE YES. Could this be Tracie's Perfect X-Book in the way that Avenging Spider-Man promises to be Tracie's Perfect Spidey Book? Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo, Wolverine, Kitty, former Gen X members, tiny Nightcrawler things(?), a passive-aggressively named school in Westchester, the broodling from Astonishing X-Men, DOOP...? YUP, sounds like.
They are called Bamfs, come on everyone knows that... right?
ReplyDeleteWolverine and the X-Men was the book I was asking for years ago but I am still pissed at Marvel that there is no way I will buy it. Though with Perlmutter no longer able to hide how poorly Marvel is being run (seriously how fucked up are things over there now) Disney may finally step in and do some sorely needed house cleaning. Plus this would be the perfect time for the rest of board to show Perlmutter not to get any funny ideas now that Steve Jobs in gone. All in all there is go chance things may get interesting over at Marvel in the next few months. I really hope it does since I want to be able to look at a X-Men comic again with pulsing with white hot rage.
I try not to hold corporate decisions against talented people who work hard to make a good product.
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't want to assume they were the Bamfs from Kitty Pryde's fairy tales without reading the story first. Especially when they're less cutesy looking.
I am pretty sure they are calling them Bamfs even if they aren't traditional Bamfs.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is for me the corporate aspect affects a lot of how I perceive the publisher. With Marvel their focus on short term gains has lead to ridiculous stunts (the .1 things still makes no fucking sense and has just even more absurd), endless events that mean less and less, and price hikes that are insulting to readers. I don't feel like supporting this in anyway. When it was just editorial fuck-ups I was more than willing to support titles I felt deserved my support, but now any support I give would only reinforce this negative trend.
The thing is I like Disney as a whole and ever since Eisner was ousted it has gotten a lot better. In many ways it has improved by leaps and bounds plus the future looks a lot brighter. This is why I liked Disney buying Marvel since the publisher and comics as a whole could have seriously benefited from this outside influence. Sadly the reverse has happened, with Marvel becoming rather stagnant. In a touch of irony Perlmutter has become to Marvel what Einser was to Disney.
I would point you to this blog entry for an echoing of my opinion of boycotts of this manner. http://blog.newsarama.com/2011/10/25/marvel-layoffs-why-a-boycott-may-be-misguided/
ReplyDeleteYeah I agree it's not right that hard working people have to suffer, but the fact of the matter they already are. Everyone is being force to shoulder a heavier workload due this latest rounds of cut backs. The fact of the matter is no one is winning here. I am also not boycotting them because of the recent layoffs, I haven't bought a Marvel book in well over a year. I have fundamental issues with how Marvel conducts their business, I am simply doing what everyone does in this situation I choose not to give them money.
ReplyDeleteLet's look at this way; there's restaurant that overcharges you for what you get, the management keeps cutting back on hours, and finds way to skimp on quality whenever possible. Now would you keep going to this restaurant just so some people would keep their jobs? Bad business doesn't benefit anyone. If Marvel sees that can get away with how they are currently without major consequences they will carry on. People will suffer regardless. And right now the only real hope is a change in upper management.
It's fine if you don't think the product is worth the price. That's a fine reason for anyone.
ReplyDeleteYour initial statement just said you were pissed at how the company was being run and singled out displeasure with the CEO, rather than any specific attributes of the products themselves.
Wolverine and the X-Men is a comic I very much want to read and I am willing to pay the $3.99 to read it. To me, it is as simple as that. Other people may feel the $3.99 price tag isn't worth it, and that's fair. (though it is an "oversized" issue)
I was caught up in what I saw as a "forest for the trees" complaint. Sorry.