Capping off a very intersting week for comics fans, after Wonder Woman scored herself some pants and a new origin (while potentially distracting folks from the fact that DC shut down their Zuda imprint, leaving a lot of fresh-faced comics creators devastated), Sony & Columbia Pictures have found their new Spider-Man for 2012's movie revamp directed by the aptly-named Mark Webb.
His name is Andrew Garfield.
But, y'know, he's
So... Thank the Spider-Totem for
THAT, right?
No Mel Gibson comments from me...
ReplyDeleteOk, I watched community last night, and Donald had a lot of potential. I don't think I would have been mad if they went with him. He has the personality to be Peter, perfectly. I'm softening my position against him has Spider-man. I think that if Im not opposed to changing a character in their book to go with the times and bring in new readers, why not shake up the movie as well and bring fresh talented actors who still have the spirit of who the character is. Despite being a different race.
I mean they went British for god's sake?
The first "limey" out of Web head's mouth, and I'm walking out of the theatre.
Ok, new Spider-man, I'm only on board if they get Jim Lee to redesign his costume with his belly button showing.
It's certainly possible he's a very fine actor, but I think that Hollywood is still missing the point about Spider-Man. They've gone and cast hunky 27-year-old Brit to play awkward high school nerd Peter Parker.
ReplyDeleteIs he going to be a wise-cracking superhero or is he going to be making moody Twilight faces at whatever red-haired Kristin Stewart they cast to play Mary Jane?
To clarify, though, I don't care if he's black or white, British or American, I just want him to be GOOD. I want him to be fun and charming. Tobey Maguire may have lacked in the fun and charming, but at least he got awkward and nerdy right. Not so much a dreamboat, that guy.
If this is the guy that won them over, there's really no reason why they shouldn't have at least let Donald Glover screentest.
(I aughta punch you for that belly-button-window line)
Don't we all kind of want this movie to suck? It's SONY not Marvel. We Want a Spiderman that is in our lovely Marvel Movieverse, not some bastard child left out in the snow.
ReplyDeleteThe movie will most likely suck and as a fan of DongLover I am glad he won't be drug through the mud with it.
Casting is so important anymore, might as well cast Chris O'Donnell in the Dark Knight sequel as Robin, when it comes to how much these directors and producers understand their characters.
ReplyDeleteYou raise a good point, Monty. But I'd still like it to be a good movie. I don't want the "the Last Airbender" to suck just cuz they got a few things wrong in casting. I think of how good the first 2 Spider-man movies were... and think how could they really could be.
As much as the IDEAL would be for the rights to revert to Marvel and for Spider-Man to be part of their ever impressive film universe, that doesn't mean I *want* the Sony-produced films to fail. I don't want there to be this black mark against Spider-Man in Hollywood. (no race jokes)
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, it's not like Batman & Robin made it so that Batman could never be filmed again. Though that wasn't a rights-reversion issue...
Maybe I just need to suck it up and let Spider-Man take one for the team just so Sony looses all taste for the franchies.
It just goes against my nature to wish poorly for something like this. Especially a character I love.
As for Donald, it just felt like the Sony reboot was the one chance he had. By the time the rights would've reverted to Marvel he'd be too old and, more to the point, I feel like Marvel would be even LESS willing to give a non-caucasian actor a chance. That's not a diss against Marvel by any means, I just mean the studio might be less willing to take chances when the entire corporation is on the line.
Then again, Stan Lee and Dan Slott and other comics creators came out in favor of Donald so maybe there's just enough internal support to have given that kind of thing a go.
While this was likely his one shot at Spider-Man, I'd still love to see him play a superhero. Who do you think he'd be a good fit for?
Static Shock! Serious! He'd be perfect.
ReplyDeleteActually, that's the first one I thought of, too. :) He has the right attitude for sure.
ReplyDeleteJust because I wanna start more trouble, I think he'd be awesome as Johnny Storm in a Fantastic Four revamp. I can just picture him pranking Ben Grimm and having a fun adversarial relationship with him. ...But then Sue would have to be black too... Then she and Reed might be in a MIXED RACE RELATIONSHIP OH NOEEEES.
But mostly I just want him to be successful and do good things because he is delightful on Community and if you haven't seen Mystery Team you absolutely MUST, MUST, MUST.