Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
From the CBXF Archives...
It seems in these hard economic times, even superheroes are vulnerable. Representatives from America’s big two Comic Companies today were on Capitol Hill in the hopes of asking for a financial bail-out.Of late, both companies have struggled due to too many cross-overs and lack originality. Sources say that the two companies began hemorrhaging money and resources a couple of years ago. The costume clad heroes were pushed through a Civil War, a Secret Invasion, and a planet wide mutant take over, not to mention one Crisis after another.
A young and brash Firestorm was quoted as saying, “They could just say we earned this money, I mean we save you people everyday.” “I did invent a way to go back in time and fix these lousy stories,” said Fantastic Four leader, Reed Richards. “Just get the Flash on this new treadmill, and watch the money start coming back. If only the U.S. Government would give us a starter check.”The hearing went on before members of a special panel for hours as many heroes from both companies voiced their concerns about lack of money.
“How will I afford to buy a $2,500,000 car to fight crime with? How will I buy grappling hooks? Who’s going to pay for Yellow Belt paint?”, Said the Dark Knight. I mean, come on, its expensive out there.
The Special session lasted about 3 hours and no outcome was determined, but officials were disgusted and outraged to see many of the heroes leave from the Washington Airport in what was reported as many luxury, personal planes.
“I saw a Blackbird, a Quinn-Jet, a blue, four seated convertible jet, and even the Wayne Industry had one of their planes out here.” Reported one of the airport workers. “Shoot, I even saw what looked like an invisible plane. That sure is expensive travel in these tough times.”
Will tax payers pony up the funds to keep these companies going, or is the nation going to be stuck with independant heroes like Spawn, Hellboy and Witchblade ? Only time will tell.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Grounded, just won't fly

Ahead there be Spoilers.
OK, first things first. The premise is good, Superman decided he needs to reconnect with the American People after abandoning them and running off with the Kryptonians. I am OK with this. It's a great angle for character development and any soul searching that doesn't end in a cape-toga works for me.
The part that first stuck in my craw though is the impetus of the story line. I woman slaps Supes cause he didn't save her husband and he died. Poor guy, was he killed my a rampaging Metallo? Oh was it Intergang? Hmm... Solomon Grundy? Earthquake? Damn? Nuclear Missile Land Grab scheme? Oh brain tumor... wait, WHAT? A brain tumor? She blames Supes because he didn't see the tumor with his x-ray vision, then didn't destroy it with his heat vision.

Supes gets all melancholy because he didn't save a guy from a NATURAL CAUSE OF DEATH? Hey Supes, why are you around to keep my Grammy's heart pumping? J. Micheal Straczynski, that is STRIKE ONE.
Next, we find Supes and Dick Grayson up in the Ivory Tower... oh, I am sorry the Watchtower... I guess the metaphor was so see through I got confused. Next we find the Supes bothering the Flash, acting all Emo on him. I am going to assume the Flash was you know... doing something Heroic. So good idea stopping him like that, next time TEXT him the stupid question. STRIKIE TWO
Finally we got a good natured flashback to Pa Kent give some straight up home-spun. Remember folks the Kents are rural farmers from Kansas. I mean come on, you've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.
So Supes lands in front of some kids playing stick ball in the park, (unseen is the apple pie eating contest and the Sara Palin speech) he gets his hands in the dirt and then walks off. You how stupid you look walking in tights and a cape. REALLY Stupid. STRIKE THREE.
Fact is if the set up for a story is this lame how can the rest not be?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Digital comics
Supes comes to the Big O
Starting in July 2010, coinciding with the 700th issue of Superman, DC Co
will be celebrating this remarkable anniversary of America's greatest hero with a historic journey…not to alien worlds or distant galaxies, but through the streets, roads, highways, homes, farms, suburbs, and inner cities of America.
[...] And America itself, in the person of those very real places, is invited to the party.
Beginning with the city of Philadelphia, Superman will walk
across America, a journey that is expected to take most of a year. He will pass through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington. Along the way, Superman will be passing through real towns, real cities, real neighborhoods.And your town, your city, your neighborhood
may be among those chosen for his historic journey. Superman will literally pass
through your town as visualized in the pages of his book. [...] If your town is
within 50 miles of the line marking Superman's journey, then you are eligible to
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Like Father, Like Ward

Bruce Wayne in “Long Halloween” and “Year One” has doubt. He is new to the role of Batman, he hasn't seen it all and made countless contingency plans yet. So early in his career he is a man with a cape and a car... that and his wits and training. No OMAC, no Oracle for help. In the “Long Halloween” Batman is wrong. He makes mistakes, he falters. Bruce Wayne is very much human in those stories.
This brings me back to Dick. He has years more experience than Bruce had, plus he had Bruce. But slipping on the c

Might Hastings Be Your New Comic Shop?
Reports from Bleeding Cool and other news/blog sites state that the chain of Hastings book/movie/music stores will be expanding their comic book operations and becoming members of the Direct Market. This is fantastic news for many who don't have a comic shop of their own but do have a local Hastings store.
Growing up in Norfolk, NE I had to rely on Hastings quite often for my comic fix, until we finally got our own comic shop shortly after I graduated high school. It was nice that Hastings was one of the few stores in town with a spinner rack but frustrating that they didn't get comics the same week they hit the direct market. Sometimes they'd be behind the direct market by a week, sometimes by 3 weeks. It was never consistent.
My Norfolk Hastings doesn't seem to be one of the launchpads for the new comics but folks who live in or near Kearney or Grand Island, NE will be delighted to find themselves with a convenient new way to buy comics or get introduced to them. I think a huge benefit here will be the fact that folks who may not even be aware of comic book specialty stores or who previously wouldn't be inclined to visit one may now have a book store atmosphere to investigate and explore comics that would require a little less cultureshock than some might experience in a specialty shop. I think this would be particularly helpful for women who are interested in comics but who may find themselves an awkward or unwanted presence in some comic stores.
I type that as a woman who was once told by a manager at an area comic store not to interact with one of the employees there becuase that man didn't believe that women belonged in comic shops. This revelation then led to me not attending that shop again for many years, out of discomfort. (for the record, that employee doesn't seem to work there anymore, so... good riddence)
I'm excited for this big move in making comic books more available to consumers. Particularly as the profile of the comic book industry seems to rise every year with blockbuster movies like Iron Man and The Dark Knight and the massive hype and intrigue around Scott Pilgrim. This could be very good for comics and, as such, very good for comic readers like us.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The real Avatar is coming this summer... I'm excited!

My wife and I saw The Last Airbender toys... No Katara, momo or uncle, yet... And Aang is very White, but I like Saaka and Zuko!! My 2 favorite characters. Saka's wit makes the cartoon for me!Crystal and I have flown through all 3 books of Avatar Air Bender- cartoons in the last few weeks in anticipation of the movie.
Again... My favorite action cartoon of all time. Its so well done on every level!
I'm currently halfway through Book 2 of Avatar. I'd *like* to finish all 3 books by the time the movie hits, but we'll see if I manage that.
Really enjoying the character development with Prince Zuko. He's not just some 2-dimensional villain. The "Zuko Alone" episode was one of the last one's I saw and I was surprised how captivated I was with an episode that had nothing to do with Aang and his journey. Zuko has a lot of redemptive qualities and a lot of pain and it makes for a much more interesting character than I thought he'd be through most of Book 1.
Oh, I think you've met Togh (spelling)? The Earth bender, who joins the team? Shes a great character too! Thats why i'm worried. its like the 'Lord of the rings' problem. There is so much that is good in these cartoons, there is no way they can shove it all in to the movie. I just hope they hit certain points. And for the record. Book 3 has the BEST character stories. The writers really cared about all of these kids. Villians included!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
As this art from the upcoming AVENGERS: THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE shows, Allan Heinberg & Jim Cheung's YOUNG AVENGERS comics continue to be the best-looking comics to ever comic a comic. Just look at these preview pages at Comic Book Resources and tell me Cheung doesn't just make sweet pencil-love to everything you love about Marvel Comics. One of Marvel's best-kept secrets is returning this summer in a new mini-series featuring the long-awaited return of the Scarlet Witch (for better or worse). If you've not read Heinberg & Cheung's YOUNG AVENGERS, I highly implore you to seek out one of the very handy trade paperbacks or hardcover collections of the series. It's gorgeous, fun, surprising and, at parts, touching. Most of all, it just oozes with love for Marvel Comics past, present and future and is a sparkling addition to that universe. With THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE dropping July 8th, now is the time to get caught up on (and thereby fall in love with) all things YOUNG AVENGERS.
(now where's my comission, Heinberg?)
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Number One Reason to own a Sony PS3
DC Comics online... is coming.
Oracle - New Thread

Updated origins... annoying or Essential in Modern Comic Culture?

Friday, June 11, 2010
I found where Bruce Wayne was sent after Darkseid hit him with the Omega Beam
Brightest Day... opinions so far?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tiny Tracie Reviews
RED HOOD: THE LOST DAYS #1 (DC) This mini's off to a great start! Judd Winick does a great job of getting me emotinally invested in the story and particularly with Talia Al Ghul. Also, spectacular art. I really miss seeing Pablo Raimondi on X-FACTOR but hopefully he gets some good exposure with this.
SERENITY: FLOAT OUT (Dark Horse) A decent read, though I expected more from Patton Oswalt. The ending made up for it a bit.
DARKSTAR AND THE WINTER GUARD #1 (Marvel) For having no prior interest in the "Russian Avengers," David Gallaher has done an excellent job in filling me in on just who these characters are and, most importantly, making me care about them. He also deserves huge kudos for introducing a female Crimson Dynamo in the preceeding HULK: WINTERGUARD one-shot, as she and the new Darkstar have become my favorite characters on the team. Also must mention the excellent art by Steve Ellis and the fact that Russia's Avengers have a giant bear, so... Suck it, America.
DEMO vol. 2 #5 (Vertigo) I am going to miss this series deeply once it concludes next issue. From Becky Cloonan's constant reinvention to Brian Wood's heart-wrenching stories involving the extra-ordinary, this Vertigo revival stands right up with the spectacular original series. I wish there were more comics as experimental as this.