Tracie and myself have begun the debate. What's your take? How are Johns and Tomasi doing bringing back a handful of DC mainstays, and introducing some new friends. This discussion was sparked by this picture on the cover of next months previews. Thoughts?
I'll start by saying the art/design for a new aqualad is great. Finch's covers just completely draw me in. Is this suppose to be the same from the up-coming Young Justice cartoon? I know tracie will have the answer.
ReplyDeleteI compare this "sort of yearly" mini series to the likes of 52, Countdown and Trinity; and it makes me hopeful to have the spark that was "52" re-ignited. Taking un-cared for characters and nursing them back to health. I hope this does for Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, what 52 did for characters like Booster Gold, Black Adam,The Question, Steel, Firestorm, and Batwoman.
So far, I'm enjoying it!
I think Brightest Day is getting a bad rap way too early just because it's such a slow burn. Unlike 52 or COUNTDOWN, it's running bi-weekly so maybe the pacing is getting an unfair comparison? I don't feel bored with it and I'm generally invested in all of the characters being presented. It's great that Martian Manhunter is back and seemingly playing a bit of detective again and while I'll still miss Kendra, I'm curious about the devolpments among the Hawks. It's just sort of nice having a bunch of underused characters like J'onn and Aquaman/Mera and Deadman all in one place getting equal (if currently divided) attention. PLUS, with the announcement of the new Aqualad (yes, seemingly the same one being introduced in the upcoming Young Justice cartoon--yay synergy!) and the introduction of more new heroes and villains, I'm excited to see what sort of landscape Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi will be painting for the DC Universe in this 26 issue series and trust enough in their talent as storytellers to give them the time to do so.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I hope they keep Jason Rusch around. Ronnie Raymond is an annoying jerk.
You"re an Annoying Jerk!
ReplyDeleteI like both... I like the fight in the head of Firestorm, and who is the 3rd "black fonted" voice? I think this is an awesome Firestorm Story, Why not keep both in Firestorm? The conflict makes for some great story!
I know we've talked about how specific artists doing specific characters is a great visual idea, and it really feels like each hero has his/her own voice in a very wide spanning book. I think Slow burn is a perfect way to put this story so far. Its not an 8 issue mini, and its not a 52 week book. I think this is Tomsai and johns learning what worked in 52 and what didn't in Trinity or Countdown and applying it to 2nd tier characters. Its one of my favorites from DC right now.
YOU'RE a Firesto-- wait... no.
ReplyDeleteI can't argue that it doesn't had some interesting tension having Jason and Ronnie sharing the Firestorm body, considering what Black Lantern Ronnie Raymond did with it. I just prefered it when Jason was the one who was in control. (I will always be Team Jason when it comes to Firestorm) I'm still glad he's around and am curious to see how their story plays out. Everybody's just super unhappy right now.
Team Jason... I was introduced to Firestorm in the Super Friends, way back when... and it was hard for me to get on board with Jason. But I'll admit, he was so much deeper than Ronnie ever was. I guess the fact that they are both there is my "giggling moment" the best of both worlds. I know DC is being accused of getting rid of a lot of color... and I agree losing Jason would be down right DUMB! But I really like Ronnie.
ReplyDeleteI really was an Aquaman fan and tried to carry the torch, even through the really rough Aquaman Jr. (One Year Later). I'm think the strong art and Johns/Tomasi ability to re-tell an origin story is such a DC asset. It can only help the likes of Aquaman and Martain Manhunter.
Ok, the Hawks... I discovered Johns' Hawkman after the series ended, and I didn't realize just how good it was, until it was gone. I'm actually unhappy that its Shiera and not (grr forget her name) But I guess i'm ok, since its the same "soul". I have this feeling that maybe when this "Brightest Day" is over, we'll have my Dream JLA team... with Johns and Finch as the team running the show!