Once again, Comicbook Crossfire is going to Planet Comicon! Be it rain, sleet, snow, or blazing hot sun. (the Midwest is weird)
If you find yourself at this excellent Kansas City area con, catch us and say hi! Compliment Robb's shirt! Ask if we want to "get in on that" while gesturing at a very uncomfortable Tracie.
Planet Comicon is always a memorable time for Comicbook Crossfire and this year is sure to be no different.
With the con in mind, let's take a look at this week's offerings:
X-Sanction concludes just as AvX is ready to launch in just a couple weeks. I'm still not entirely sure what is going on with this book but hopefully this issue will be jam-packed with answers. But even still, it's got some purdy McGuinness art.
Oh, Batman. So good. So very very good.
The solicitation copy for this issue dares you to skip it, but I won't bother taking it up on that dare. I have no plans of leaving this book unless Travel Foreman really skews things. But I don't see that happening. This is still a real solid, female-led action book-- and a lot more entertaining than the handful of New 52 books I've dumped.
Depending on how this issue goes, I may wind up haranguing Cullen Bunn at Planet Comicon, regarding the tenuous fate of Valkyrie in this series. Though if things seem to be going better for her, then I'll be congratulating him for writing a really great Valkyrie comic. (it's a great comic whether she dies or not, it'll just determine if I'm very happy or very sad at the end)
Oh, Takeshi Miyazawa... where have you been?? Your art raises the quality of this book so much higher, but of course, it's ending.
Jump to the modern day with artist Gene Ha! (the artist of the only issue of Justice League to ever win an Eisner) I'm very curious how they will handle this time jump. It's weird to set up these new-ish characters and new-ish relationships and then skip 5 years of development. Also, is this saying that the Justice League went 5 whole years without changing team membership? Curious. BUT HEY, herein begins the Gary Frank drawn reimagining of Captain Marv--er--Shazam! Just Shazam.
New Mutants, somehow, you keep me hanging on. I got a little wishy washy with you until the SUPER EXCELLENT stand-alone Mephisto date issue. Now we're back to a storyline I'm only marginally interested in with art that's not as strong as David Lopez (who's now been stolen by Brian Wood's upcoming X-Men run) BUUUT I want to hang on for the Journey Into Mystery crossover I'm really looking forward to-- and the Defenders meet-up after that! What a complicated relationship we are having, New Mutants.
Robb and I had a discussion recently about how we're really not sure who this Supergirl is and how she fits in with the rest of what's going on in the Super-books but, for me, it's so pretty and such a smooth read, I just can't help but keep coming back for more.
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS VOL. 2 #5 (OF 6)
I almost wish this was one of Spencer's creator-owned books at Image because it's so good, I just want it to keep going and not be limited to whatever DC's willing to put out.
Oh gracious, "The Ends of the Earth" starts here. Dan Slott did such a phenomenal job with the last Spider-Event, I hope this will be just as fun and captivating. And, seeing as how this involves the Sinister Six and the ever more creepy/disgusting Doc Ock, we stand to see some pretty top-notch Spidey stories here.
Songbird spotlight issue yay yay yay! Thunderbolts continues to be one of my very favorite things at Marvel.
Oh no, it's the final issue of Tiny Titans. What a cute and unusual series this has been. It skews so young but it references things you'd need a master class in DC History to fully grip. I hope that this series has cultivated MANY young nerds and that they go on to find other comics to love and cherish. PLUS, the creative team will be back in May with Superman Family!
The Avengers and the X-Men team-up before they decide to start beating the ish out of each other next month!
So very very close to the end of Jason Aaron's excellent run. Can't believe it. But man is he going out with a bang. (or several) AND, he'll be at Planet Comicon this weekend! So congratulate him on a great run and beg for the secrets he hides in his beard. ALSO, Silver Samurai artist/designer Steven Sanders will be there. We love Steven.
Cliff Chiang is back!!! This is one of the real winners of the New 52, right here. Totally.
Alright, kids, see you in KC!
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