Alas, whilst I did not attend the San Diego Comic-Con this year (because it is an exhausting madhouse and also I'm lazy) I did participate in the much more relaxing and casual and--well, I'd say "clothes optional" but, well... You can almost get away with anything at Comic-Con. Except for Electrical Tape Suspenders Girl. They sent her away one year. BUT ANYWAY. Where was I?
I attended Home-Con. Which consisted of me sitting in front of my computer eating microwaved leftovers and drinking Canada Dry while following along with live-blogs and YouTube clips and RSS feeds beamed to me from the con floor. Catching all the news and panels and cosplay photos I can possibly stand to shove into my eyes and brain.
It looked like people had a good time. All those tens of thousands of people. And nobody got stabbed with a pen, did they? Did The Lizard push you?
What stood out to me, this year, from what I have seen on the Internet, while cosplaying as Tracie In The Clothes She Slept In?