Ok, from time to time, I've teased Tracie that she should watch football for one reason or another. Well I've complied a list that any geek can rally behind. Comic readers, yes YOU! Are you ready for some FOOTBALL??!
Reason #1
The RavensBet you didn't know that the goth girl from the Teen Titans had her own football team?

Reason #2
The Falcons
That's right, Captain America's buddy has his own team, too!
Reason# 3
Booster Gold & Guy Gardner
Yes, Booster player "future" football and cheated, only to have to give his "Legion" Heisman award back. And everyone knows that in college, Guy Gardner was a Defensive All Star player back in college. (I couldn't find which school)
Reason# 4
NFL SUPERPRONuff, Said. All Heroes have shoulder pads?

Reason# 5
Spartans of Michigan State
THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!! Too bad you're not allowed 300 players on a team.
Reason# 6
Titans are go!

Reason #7
Hey Bub, They are the best at what they do.

I can't believe you forgot Kickers, INC! The only comic were former football players fight a giant Nintendo R.O.B. used by a local gang to scare off old people so they can then buy up the land for cheap! I love the New Universe!