I've received a few balks since giving Ironman 2 a grade of "B". Since the whole Comicbook Crossfire crew has seen the movie, I feel its time to elaborate my stand. The original "Ironman" is on my list of top 3 comic book movies of all time. It was intense, full of action, a perfect modern rendition of Tony's origin. Truly a great movie. The cast was spot on, and the movie left me wanting more. Ironman is a close 2nd to Dark Knight and followed by Spider-man 2 as the reigning comic flick royalty.
Ironman 2 is the first sequel made by Marvel Studios and it picks up where the previous movie left off, but seems slow to explain who the "villains" is and ramp up any true action. We are in Russia and watching a man die, and then his son (played frightenly well by Mickey Rourke) begins to build his own Ironman. Immediately I feel like didn't we have this already? If you take the rich, entrepreneur character Justin Hammer, that Sam Rockwell played and combined him with "Whiplash" you have Obadiah Stane, the same villains from Ironman1. I was really hoping for something of a greater and more diverse threat. I know, its Ironman, he takes on technology villains. But Whiplash could easily been replaced by Iron Monger. (Since having written this, I've done some research on who Hammer is, and my opinion is a little bit softer, but why not go with a villain like Mandarin or a villain that might help set up the Avenger movie? Someone backed by Hydra or something?)
Also I was really, really disappointed with the "goofy" feel that Sameul L. Jackson used to make Nick Fury. Why did his personality change from the original? In the first movie, when he came out of the shadow, he was scary and serious. Very harsh and militant. In Ironman2, he was too light at the diner with Black Widow sitting next to him. I kept waiting for him to order a "royal with cheese". Why did they evolve him in that direction? Mace Windu was more intimidating.
Lastly, the lack of alcoholism from Tony Stark bugs me. Really, this has been a defining role of Tony's and I'm disappointed it wasn't incorporated more. This is minor, and I understand this is, in many ways, a kid’s movie too. And we can't have Hang over Ironman action figures with real vomiting action. Also I know you can't wrap up alcoholism in a 2 hour movie and be "okay" by the end of it. So I guess this doesn't bother me as much as I thought.
I know I'm being critical, but Ironman 1 set the bar so high, this falls a bit short.
Ironman 2 is the first sequel made by Marvel Studios and it picks up where the previous movie left off, but seems slow to explain who the "villains" is and ramp up any true action. We are in Russia and watching a man die, and then his son (played frightenly well by Mickey Rourke) begins to build his own Ironman. Immediately I feel like didn't we have this already? If you take the rich, entrepreneur character Justin Hammer, that Sam Rockwell played and combined him with "Whiplash" you have Obadiah Stane, the same villains from Ironman1. I was really hoping for something of a greater and more diverse threat. I know, its Ironman, he takes on technology villains. But Whiplash could easily been replaced by Iron Monger. (Since having written this, I've done some research on who Hammer is, and my opinion is a little bit softer, but why not go with a villain like Mandarin or a villain that might help set up the Avenger movie? Someone backed by Hydra or something?)
Also I was really, really disappointed with the "goofy" feel that Sameul L. Jackson used to make Nick Fury. Why did his personality change from the original? In the first movie, when he came out of the shadow, he was scary and serious. Very harsh and militant. In Ironman2, he was too light at the diner with Black Widow sitting next to him. I kept waiting for him to order a "royal with cheese". Why did they evolve him in that direction? Mace Windu was more intimidating.
Lastly, the lack of alcoholism from Tony Stark bugs me. Really, this has been a defining role of Tony's and I'm disappointed it wasn't incorporated more. This is minor, and I understand this is, in many ways, a kid’s movie too. And we can't have Hang over Ironman action figures with real vomiting action. Also I know you can't wrap up alcoholism in a 2 hour movie and be "okay" by the end of it. So I guess this doesn't bother me as much as I thought.
I know I'm being critical, but Ironman 1 set the bar so high, this falls a bit short.
Let me be fair, and go into what I loved about this movie. I have no complaints about the acting, with the exception of how Nick Fury was written. Tony Stark is a womanizer, a genius, a playboy, and ultimately… a hero. Within moments of his appearance in the film, I truly stop seeing Robert Downey Jr., the actor and all I see is Tony. He embodies exactly what I want brought to life before my eyes. The wit, the thought processes, the ego. Perfect. Also, the addition of Don Cheadle as "Rhodie", works well. Scarlett Johansson made an awesome Black Widow. And Gwyneth Paltrow was made to play the ego deflating, Pepper Potts.
I really like that the American government went after Stark to get his technology. That is something that would happen in real life, if this private citizen made this weapon that could take out a country's army. Downey's bravado and temperament towards the questioning was hilarious and very in character for Stark. Felt lifted right from the source.
I was impressed by the "Ironman Suitcase" armor. That’s something I've wanted to see. How on earth does Tony keep that suit in a brief case, but they did it. Tony's sky dive from the plane into the "Stark Expo" was awesome, even if it lacked the commercial "You complete me" line to Pepper. As he landed in the Expo, I just needed to hear James Brown's Living in America, to complete the package.
The humor was great. The banter between Pepper Potts and Tony was so funny and spot on. You kept waiting for her to just punch Tony in the gut or just kiss him. Paltrow is such a great actress. Also Gary Shandling as the "opposed" Senator was so funny. I loved his role and how he comes full circle at the end to have to award a metal to Tony. They little missile bouncing off Whiplash was hilarious too!
And let me not forget the “Geek out” moments, because there were a few. War Machine looked bad ass. The big fight between Rhodie and Tony was awesome. I loved them tearing up the mansion and beating each other. Seeing the "Shield" of Captain America used as balance, cracked me up. Also having Tony rejected as an Avenger… whoa. What’s that mean? We all know, Tony will be an Avenger, but what do they have in mind? The Avenger's movie is picking up steam. And the big Easter egg after the credits… "WOW"! Wow. The camera pan, the huge crater, and then Mjöllnir is there, in all its glory. Yes, bring on Thor! It’s funny, because, it wasn't a long seen. Just a flash and bam you see the hammer and you think… THOR is coming!
Ok, all in all, Ironman is a really good movie. But, like I said, when the first one was near perfection, you want more in a sequel. Is it too much to expect an Empire Strikes back, Spider-man 2, X-men 2, or Dark Knight? If you watch Ironman 1 and 2 back to back… I don't know if you'd have the same critism. But as 2 separate movies, Ironman 1 did it better. I say solid "B". Good movie… go see it!
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