Once Rob saw I was curious about his product, he immediately showed his passion and knowledge of the subject. He told of Kansas City's rich history of Professional Wrestling coming up from the carney strongman acts and how it evolved into a mysterious club where its members had unspoken rules, secrets, and a samurai-like honor system. Based upon the beautiful cover artwork and his energetic story about some of his in-depth research on the subject... he totally sold me. So I gave "The Promotion" a try. Man I was glad I did.
"The Promotion" is a fictional story about a wrestling circuit run by "The Alliance" and located in Mid-America. It feels timeless, like it could take place in the Mid 70's or could be taking place today. There is focus on a handful of characters around the "squared circle" as it weaves a tale about people in and out of "The Ring". Rob feels like he really did his homework and created a gritty, down to earth, behind the scenes tale of the dirty world of Professional Wrestling. "The Promotion" is dingy and not afraid to step out of the ring as it tosses you into the turnbuckle.
Rob, sold me all 3 issues of "The Promotion" and I found myself flying through them. I enjoyed the story, but the best hook to me was the drawn panels and painted tonal values. Despite the pages being in black and white, you knew many times you were looking at bright red blood. All three books were beautifully illustrated and an entertaining read. If you'd like to see more of "The Promotion" and its art check out this link: thewrestlingpromotion.com or see Rob's website at: comixperience.com.